Monday 1 April 2019

Moving On

Last December, I turned 65. Shocker!! Hard to believe I made it this far and it certainly has not been uneventful on the journey. So many things in my life to learn from, love from, and sometimes, downright run from! I have never said I was perfect or even that well behaved yet there are those out there who have believed I was/am. I have a heart full of love and compassion for my fellow human and so it can be easy to get under my skin. I have had to learn to be tough but not lose my humanity. It's a challenging discipline. I do however consider myself to be very fortunate in my life. There have been times when I have been desperately alone, facing things that humans are not usually meant to face. And I have indulged myself in the occasional bath of self pity however those haven't lasted long thank God. Instead the opportunities to learn and grow have been endless and I took full advantage of them.

Sometimes we need to remember that pity parties are populated by one guest and we can eject that guest in favour of an attitude change. Sure!!! Have a great wallow but know that it is only a temporary state of mind. 

I know it sounds trite but adopt an attitude of gratitude and really believe it! It can be difficult to see the better things when we have drawn the curtain but better to open it up to the true light. There is so much to be thankful for and it is a conscious decision to move forward with strength, courage, and the determination of an elephant. Nothing can truly stop me if I don't let it. 



  1. Hi Heather,

    An attitude of gratitude is, most assuredly, the positive way forward. And I know, that when you're confronted by a potential negative situation, you discover the positive possibilities that can come of such situations.

    Continue to embrace the ideals of the "yay sayers" and distance yourself from the naysayers.

    Peace and harmony, my lovely young friend.


    Gary X

    1. Hi Gary;
      Thank you. I am sincerely grateful for the positive and encouraging friendship you and I have. Thank you for reading.
