Saturday 25 November 2017

Moving Blech!!!

I do not like moving but sometimes it seems we just need to move on. Whether that be in our lives, our relationships, or our actual address. I believe the hint is about going with the flow. We ask the Universe, (God, Cosmos, Karma, and sundry other names) for what we desire in our lives and then blithely go about resisting the change. Make sense? Of course not, you say but you are just as guilty as the rest of us. Is this because we have been taught that we can't just get something we want just because? Really if you have any inclination towards manifesting abundance, that is exactly the way it works. 

As much as I grumble, right now because I am so tired, I am thrilled really with where I will be located. I will be able to see the lake from my deck, feel the breeze and hear it as it rustles through my wind chimes, and have so much less traffic. It will be quiet and at night it will actually be dark. LOL. Where I am right now, the lights are on 24/7 and you don't get a very restful sleep at night. I will still have room to have guests occasionally so come on by when you're in the area. But mainly I will enjoy the solitude just a bit more and the chance to write. I hope to finish my novel this next year and get it published. Fingers crossed. 

In the meantime I dearly love my profession of counselling and will continue with that as long as I possibly can. I will have an office at home plus I am offering online, Zoom, Skype, and telephone sessions as well as in person. This may mean that I can let go of my office downtown eventually. We'll see. 

I am finding that as I get older, I can have a bit of a difficulty with change. Only because once you get settled in, it's so much more comfortable to just stay the same. However you don't grow if you get mired in familiarity and I'm all for growth. What a conundrum. 

I hope you are having your own challenges and decisions to make. It is the spice that keeps us going and I would hate the think I was the only one in this situation. Have a very blessed weekend and I will write again soon. 


Sunday 19 November 2017

I have always appreciated the beauty of things. It doesn't have to be big or even out of the ordinary but beauty is everywhere if you just open your eyes and see. I am so thankful for the ability to love the stuff that so many take for granted. After the experiences I have had over the years, I have learned that nothing is free, you need much more than you realize, your footprint is likely more like a truckload, and being grateful is a wonderful exercise in positivity and being mindful.

Mindfulness is the practice of remaining in the here and now. You can't control the future and you can never hope for a better past. There are some who think you can control the future but frankly the best you can do is influence a possible outcome and even then there is nothing really predictable about any of it.  Better to live now and don't waste the precious moment by ignoring it for the chance of a lottery win.

You can find all kinds of instructions on time management, mindfulness, and meditation. That is great and good for those who aren't familiar with the terms but really, as with many great things in our history, the beauty is in the simplicity of it all. Take a deep breath, tell yourself you are awesome, because you most assuredly are, and relax. Quit trying so hard.
